Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Here is my Bouquet of Thoughts and what inspired me to write each of them!

Here is my Bouquet of Thoughts and what inspired me to write each of them!

This Blog Post tells you about “What inspired me to write each of these Books” – I have narrated this about each of my Books individually in this document. Do read, like, comment and post your frank reviews on amazon and respective platforms. 

Happy to inform that two of my books have received




BOOK – 1
What inspired me to write this Book: The Phoenix Rising – An Inspiration for Introspective Re-Awakening!
And what would be your takeaway on reading it?

The Phoenix Rising – An Inspiration for Introspective Re-Awakening.
There comes a time in one’s life where one moment only is required for a Transformation. This could be a transformation of self, your life, your work or career or a total transformation of all connected domains.

I too went through these similar experiences; but my true Re-Awakening came when I read about the Phoenix and Its Re-Birth in classical mythology. A rising Phoenix is a symbol of virtue and grace, a representation of Resurrection and victory. The Phoenix Rising from its ashes; became an inspiration for me rising up from the doldrums in my life and hence the title.

The intensity with which you absorb certain things in life, the perspective with which you look at it and apply it to your life can bring about unprecedented changes. You don't need a lifetime to get transformed. One incidence here, One sentence here, One moment here, One trigger there, One incident here, One accident there, One relationship gained, One relationship lost, One success, One Failure, THAT one moment is enough for it to be a turning point in your life. You have to have, experience, see and pick up that ONE MOMENT that will trigger a turning point in your life.

Through Introspective Re-Awakening you can focus all your energies and capabilities in a way to achieve your goal. This Book is a collation of such incidents in life, practical experiences, collated to bring to you these experiences. These experiences changed my life. Apply the same to your life and bring about a new change. Experiences which will make you say –“Yes this is that moment I was yearning for”. 

BOOK - 2

किस बात ने मुझे यह पुस्तक लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया (What inspired me to write this Book?) 
फीनिक्स एवं अमरपक्षी का पुनरुज्जीवन - आत्मनिरीक्षण, पुनःजागृति के लिए एक प्रेरणा।
और इसे पढ़ने पर आपका क्या निष्कर्ष निकलेगा?

फीनिक्स एवं अमरपक्षी का पुनरुज्जीवन - आत्मनिरीक्षण, पुनःजागृति के लिए एक प्रेरणा।

किसी के जीवन में एक समय ऐसा आता है जब परिवर्तन के लिए केवल एक क्षण की आवश्यकता होती है। यह स्वयं का, आपके जीवन का, आपके कार्य या करियर का या सभी जुड़े हुए क्षेत्रों का संपूर्ण परिवर्तन हो सकता है।

मैं भी ऐसे ही अनुभवों से गुज़रा हूँ; लेकिन मेरी सच्ची जागृति तब हुई जब मैंने शास्त्रीय पौराणिक कथाओं में फीनिक्स और उसके पुनर्जन्म के बारे में पढ़ा। उभरता हुआ फीनिक्स सद्गुण और अनुग्रह का प्रतीक है, पुनरुत्थान और जीत का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। फीनिक्स अपनी राख से उभर रहा है; मेरे जीवन में निराशाओं से ऊपर उठने के लिए यह एक प्रेरणा बन गई और इसलिए यह उपाधि मिली।

जिस तीव्रता से आप जीवन में कुछ चीज़ों को आत्मसात करते हैं, जिस परिप्रेक्ष्य से आप उसे देखते हैं और उसे अपने जीवन में लागू करते हैं, वह अभूतपूर्व परिवर्तन ला सकता है। आपको रूपांतरित होने के लिए जीवन भर की आवश्यकता नहीं है। एक घटना यहां, एक वाक्य यहां, एक पल यहां, एक ट्रिगर वहां, एक घटना यहां, एक दुर्घटना वहां, एक रिश्ता हासिल हुआ, एक रिश्ता खोया, एक सफलता, एक असफलता, वह एक पल ही काफी है निर्णायक मोड़ बनने के लिए अपने जीवन में। आपको उस एक क्षण को पाना, अनुभव करना, देखना और चुनना होगा जो आपके जीवन में एक महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ लाएगा।

आत्मनिरीक्षण पुनः जागृति के माध्यम से आप अपनी सभी ऊर्जाओं और क्षमताओं को अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए केंद्रित कर सकते हैं। यह पुस्तक जीवन की ऐसी घटनाओं, व्यावहारिक अनुभवों का एक संग्रह है, इन अनुभवों को आपके सामने लाने के लिए एकत्रित किया गया है। इन अनुभवों ने मेरी जिंदगी बदल दी. इसे अपने जीवन में लागू करें और एक नया बदलाव लाएं। अनुभव जो आपको यह कहने पर मजबूर कर देंगे – “हाँ यही वह पल है जिसके लिए मैं तरस रहा था"।

पढ़ने का आनंद लो!
BOOK – 3 
What inspired me to write this Book: Cosmic Closed Eye Visualization – A new perspective to overriding perception?
And what would be your takeaway on reading it?

Cosmic Closed Eye Visualization – A new perspective to overriding perception.

As divine providence would have it, while I sat deep in thought on my recliner chair, I was drawn away deep into the vortex of the Cosmos, and celestial Universe, on a ride that I would carry with me for life. It may be hard to visually portray that experience, but for me it became the basis of my Book – “Cosmic Closed Eye Visualization – A new perspective to overriding perception”. It was a myriad of thoughts, visuals, and spine chilling experiences that, became the foundation of my manuscript.

As I delved deeper into the subjects in study of the Cosmos, Universe, Consciousness, Cosmic Energy, Power of our Mind, and Divine interventions. Were they only visualizations of my mind or did I actually experience those spine chilling phenomenal occurrences? That is the magical power of the Cosmos. You can Infer but not explain. My friend’s yes; those were all my personal true life experiences. And this is just the beginning. What you will read in my book are only a trailer of what is yet to come. Experience the same feeling that I went through and ride on that celestial journey with me.

During the course of this journey I connected and agreed wholly with this amazing quote which actually spelt out what I had experienced and shared in my book. Was my landing upon this quote while browsing the internet also a divine providence, I leave it for you to decide. 

“As we survey all the evidence, the thought insistently arises that some supernatural agency—or, rather, Agency—must be involved. Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit?” - George Greenstein.

BOOK - 4
What inspired me to write this Book Clairvoyance or Divine Intervention” – A narrative of Precognitive Paranormal True-Life experiences?
And what would be your takeaway on reading it? Especially so when they were life saving for me on some occasions!

Clairvoyance or Divine Intervention” – A narrative of Precognitive Paranormal True-Life experiences!

Over the years, ever since childhood, I was highly clairvoyant, but never understood the true meaning or seriousness of neither the term nor its implications in life. But as I grew up a series of events in my life that had something or the other to do with Clairvoyance/ Intuition, Premonition, made me think twice, and lay embedded in my mind. I researched on all the connected elements that lead to these experiences and kept applying and analyzing their effect in my life. I realized that I was indeed blessed with an inherent trait to be found only in a few. In this book I take the opportunity to narrate them here with authentication of the scientific base to these experiences. I have explained how the terms in their definitive form related to each of my true life experiences.

Clairvoyance/ Intuition, Premonition, Sixth sense may sound a bit sinister to some, but those of us who have had those experience give a new dimension to life and living. When I think back and reminisce that if I had not listened to that inner voice and followed its instructions, I would not have possibly been here alive to narrate my experiences to you! Keep an open and fearless mind, read my experiences and I am sure, maybe somewhere you will start relating to some experiences in your life similar to mine but could not place them in the perspective that I have narrated to you. 

BOOK - 5
किस चीज़ ने मुझे इस पुस्तक को लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया (What inspired me to write this book) - “दिव्यदृष्टि या दैवीय हस्तक्षेप! पूर्वसंज्ञानात्मक अपसामान्य सत्य-जीवन के अनुभवों का एक आख्यान!” 
और इसे पढ़ने पर आपका क्या निष्कर्ष निकलेगा? विशेषकर तब जब वे कुछ अवसरों पर मेरे लिए जीवनरक्षक थे!

दिव्यदृष्टि या दैवीय हस्तक्षेप! पूर्वसंज्ञानात्मक अपसामान्य सत्य-जीवन के अनुभवों का एक आख्यान!

पिछले 65 वर्षों में, बचपन से ही, मैं अत्यधिक दूरदर्शी था, लेकिन कभी भी न तो इस शब्द का सही अर्थ या गंभीरता समझ पाया और न ही जीवन में इसके निहितार्थ। लेकिन जैसे-जैसे मैं बड़ा हुआ, मेरे जीवन में घटनाओं की एक शृंखला आई, जिसका दूरदर्शिता/अंतर्ज्ञान, पूर्वाभास से कुछ न कुछ संबंध था, जिसने मुझे दो बार सोचने पर मजबूर किया और मेरे दिमाग में बस गई। मैंने इन अनुभवों को जन्म देने वाले सभी जुड़े तत्वों पर शोध किया और अपने जीवन में उनके प्रभाव को लागू करना और उनका विश्लेषण करना जारी रखा।

मुझे एहसास हुआ कि वास्तव में मुझमें एक अंतर्निहित गुण है जो केवल कुछ ही लोगों में पाया जाता है। इस पुस्तक में मैं इन अनुभवों के वैज्ञानिक आधार के प्रमाणीकरण के साथ उन्हें यहां बताने का अवसर लेता हूं। मैंने समझाया है कि कैसे शब्द अपने निश्चित रूप में मेरे प्रत्येक सच्चे जीवन अनुभव से संबंधित हैं।

दूरदर्शिता/अंतर्ज्ञान, पूर्वाभास, छठी इंद्रिय कुछ लोगों को थोड़ी भयावह लग सकती है, लेकिन हममें से जिन लोगों को ये अनुभव हुआ है वे जीवन और जीने को एक नया आयाम देते हैं। जब मैं पीछे मुड़कर सोचता हूं और याद करता हूं कि अगर मैंने उस आंतरिक आवाज को नहीं सुना होता और उसके निर्देशों का पालन नहीं किया होता, तो मैं संभवतः यहां आपको अपने अनुभव बताने के लिए जीवित नहीं होता! खुला और निडर दिमाग रखें, मेरे अनुभवों को पढ़ें और मुझे यकीन है, हो सकता है कि कहीं न कहीं आप भी अपने जीवन के कुछ अनुभवों को मेरे जैसे अनुभव से जोड़ना शुरू कर देंगे, लेकिन उन्हें उस परिप्रेक्ष्य में नहीं रख पाएंगे जो मैंने आपको सुनाया है।

पढ़ने का आनंद लो! 

BOOK - 6
What inspired me to write this Book - Our Prayer to the Universe - An Entreaty! 
And what would be your takeaway on reading it!?

Our Prayer to the Universe - An Entreaty!

The Entire World and the Universe have been going through a phase of turmoil and despair. Have we as human being who call ourselves the intelligent species ever contemplated the impact at present and that would be in the future on us all and the Universe as a whole? It’s high time we did this before we even land ourselves into a point of no return.

“Our Prayer to the Universe” is a humble entreaty to all those who would read this book, and try to understand that these are not simple words that I write to reach out to you, but a heart wrenching plea to you all. Wake up from your egoistic slumber, before the demons devour your loving world and mother Earth. Let us all take a resolve to set things right and make this world and the Universe a better place to live in. 

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. Legacy is not what I did for myself. It's what I'm doing for the next generation. Above all our Mother Earth, the Universe and Cosmos for them to live in and enjoy their lives. Would you not want this?

BOOK - 7
What inspired me to write this Book - Personalities and Books that change your life! - An anthology of exemplars of eminence, and their books! 
And what would be your takeaway on reading it!?

Personalities and Books that change your life! - An anthology of exemplars of eminence, and their books!

The First Book in a possible series with others to follow! As an Author, and writer, I have always drawn inspiration from innumerable reading resources. It is not only from daily life experiences, but from Scriptures, Chronicles, and notations by Writers, Saints, Leaders, Philosophers, and even the common man. 

This book narrates experiences about my personal reader reviews of their biographies as well as the books that made a mark on his life. It could be an event in their lives, or a particular topic they have written about; that connects with my life. It could even be a simple quote, saying, adage, or just an image which triggers off a series of thoughts that are then woven into the content of my writing.

All through my journey as a Blogger, Writer, Author, Wordsmith, I have tried to weave life’s experiences into the fabric of daily life. I not only read books, of try to experience what others have in their lives but also try to imbibe those good habits into my own life. It has made a huge impact on my character, the quality of my life and my own Psyche and demeanor too. 

This Book also narrates how each of the Books mentioned here had an impact on my life, and I am sure it will have on you as well. These books have become a part of my life, and the next book in this series will follow with similar experiences with other Books. So do keep a watch for my next.

BOOK – 8
What inspired me to write this Book - Proud of My Grey's - The Journey of a Heart in search of a Soul! 
And what would be your takeaway on reading it!?

Proud of My Grey's - The Journey of a Heart in search of a Soul!

Over the 65 years of my life I have been very attached to the Divine Universe and Cosmic Ambience! I have always been deep in thought as to what the soul is and how it resonates with its surroundings. I always found a disconnection. 

The Soul was never in sync with the Universe / Cosmos in this fast paced, materialistic world, and in constant search of the “Divine Soul” that it truly desires. It was as if it was “A Soul without a Soul”. This book is a journey through my various stages in life and envisages the imaginable journey to the end! 

I will not reveal much here so as to leave the suspense intact while you take your time to read through it. I am sure you will ride on the same wave that I rode through and relate with most of my experiences in life, as I have tried to narrate specifically those that we most commonly experience in daily life, but shirk from sharing to the world. Come ride the wave with me!

BOOK - 9
What inspired me to write this Book - Untold - Memoirs of a different Kind.
And what would be your takeaway on reading it?

Untold - Memoirs of a different Kind.

"Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind is my sincere effort to weave life's intricate and emotional incidents, onto the canvas of human imagination. These memoirs are a true-life personal experiences diary, where I try to narrate incidents from my life that impacted me the most in every which way possible. The left an indelible mark on my psyche and lead me to change the way I should view life and take on challenges. I am sure you will connect with it as much as I experienced it.

I am trying to narrate how those experiences unfolded and impacted my life, character, and demeanor. I could sum up my memoirs with this excellent Quote - “When you put down the good things you ought to have done and leave out the bad ones you did do well, that's Memoirs.“ – Will Rogers. I am an Author, Writer, Blogger, and Wordsmith, weaving life's experiences into the fabric of daily life. This is my humble attempt to lay before you the most memorable incidents from my life!

BOOK - 10
What inspired me to write this Book - Books and Scriptures That Changed My Life! - The Inspiration that led me to become an Author!
And what would be your takeaway on reading it?

Books and Scriptures That Changed My Life! - The Inspiration that led me to become an Author! 

This is the 10th Book published by the Author. Ever since he was about 15 years old, the Author had a penchant for reading. Some of the Books changed his very perspective for life and this motivated him to keep on reading and absorbing the essence of each book to bring about an Introspective Re-Awakening. 

This Book specifically deals with his personal experiences connected with reading each of those books.

It is all the more special as there was a very personal story element attached to each book, which was a rare experience of a lifetime for him; and he wanted to share that experience for all to read and get inspired. In fact the Books were the inspiration for his Phase transition from a simple blogger / writer to an Author.

All through my journey as a Blogger, Writer, Author, Wordsmith, I have tried to weave life’s experiences into the fabric of daily life. I not only read books, of try to experience what others have in their lives but also try to imbibe those good habits into my own life. It has made a huge impact on my character, the quality of my life and my own Psyche and demeanor too. 

This Book also narrates how each of the Books mentioned here had an impact on my life, and I am sure it will have on you as well. These books have become a part of my life, and the next book in this series will follow with similar experiences with other Books. So do keep a watch for my next.

BOOK - 11
किस बात ने मुझे यह पुस्तक: अनकहा - एक मुख़्तलिफ़ किस्म का संस्मरण लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया?
और इसे पढ़ने पर आपका निष्कर्ष क्या होगा?

अनकहा - एक मुख़्तलिफ़ किस्म का संस्मरण

मेरे साथ अच्छी चीजें हो रही हैं, और मैं उन्हें आप सभी के साथ साझा करने में प्रसन्न हूं", संयोग से कई वर्षों से, यह मेरे सबसे अधिक उपयोग किए जाने वाले ईमेल में हस्ताक्षर पंक्ति थी और अभी भी है। मुझे नहीं पता था कि यह एक दिन मेरे संस्मरण की प्रारंभिक पंक्ति होगी! यह मेरे जीवन की नाजुक और भावनात्मक घटनाओं को मानवीय कल्पना के कैनवास पर बुनने का मेरा ईमानदार और विनम्र प्रयास है। मैंने वर्णित किया है कि वे अनुभव कैसे सामने आए और मेरे जीवन, चरित्र और आचरण पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा। उन अनुभवों ने न केवल मुझे और जीवन के प्रति मेरे दृष्टिकोण को बदल दिया; लेकिन आने वाले वर्षों में मेरी प्रेरणा का स्रोत बना रहेगा। मुझे आशा है कि आप भी उनसे उतना ही जुड़ेंगे जितना मैं।

Paperback is available at: https://notionpress.com/read/unkaha

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Happy Reading!

Monday, 26 February 2024

What was the inspiration behind writing my books! My Journey as an Author, from then until now!


What was the inspiration behind writing my books! My Journey as an Author, from then until now!

May I humbly introduce myself as an Author, Writer, Blogger, Wordsmith, weaving life’s experiences into the fabric of daily life? I am also a Business Development and Process Improvement Facilitator as well as a Citizen Reporter advocating for Social Causes. As an Author my Genre of writing includes Self-Help, Consciousness, Awareness, Motivation, Precognition, Premonition, Clairvoyance, Paranormal experiences and Divine Interventions, True Life Experiences, Animal and Interspecies Communication etc.

As an artist myself I do everything from Choice of Genre, Subject, Topic, Content, Editing, Formatting, Book Cover Designing, and Self-Publishing either on Kindle or my Publisher Notion Press Dashboard all by myself. I do not take any outside help and even now I have just started paying attention to promotion as for me my content and sharing my heart's desire was more important than monetizing my works.

Here is a short video about my Journey and how I will be sharing short videos about all my Books telling you more about what inspired me to write that book. Hope you will like the videos. Here is the introductory video.

50 years from Ponder to Pen!
My journey as a voraracious reader and writer had started way back in my school days. I would read whatever aroused my interest, ponder over it, and would make small notes of them in my diary. My teachers and family had noticed it and encouraged me. But I never thought one bit that it would end up in my becoming an Author and Publisher of my own books. But with the best wishes and blessings of all you wonderful readers, friends, family and well-wishers, here I am happy to share my experiences with you.

At my age of 65+ I try to use my experiences in life to share them to the readers. As seen in the image in my Signature I have as of today published 11 Books, 8 of which are in English and 3 in Hindi, with about 7 to 8 Books already on the writing desk, waiting to be published very soon. My Bouquet of Thoughts as I call it is shared below. I have made it very easy for the reader to just scan the QR Code on the Image and go to either my Amazon Author Profile or my Publisher Notion Press Author Profile and check out all my Books.

Although I used to read and review books that I read but had never taken up as a professional. I have recently started reading and reviewing books and posting my reviews through my Blog and sharing it on all my Social Media Platforms which have been appreciated by many.. I am sharing my two latest reviews below for your review, which please do read and express your free and frank comments on the blog and to me as well.

My List of 11 Books published as of today are given below. All Books are available as Kindle Versions on my Amazon Profile Link and my Notion Press Author Dashboard as given below.

Amazon Author Profile for all Books:

Notion Press Author Dashboard for Paperbacks:


1. The Phoenix Rising – An Inspiration for Introspective Re-Awakening. (English)
2. फीनिक्स एवं अमरपक्षी का पुनरुज्जीवन - आत्मनिरीक्षण, पुनःजागृति के लिए एक प्रेरणा। is the Hindi translation of the above Book No.1.
3. Personalities and Books that change your life! - An anthology of exemplars of eminence, and their books!
4. Clairvoyance or Divine Intervention!  - A narrative of Precognitive Paranormal True-Life experiences!  (English).
5. दिव्यदृष्टि या दैवीय हस्तक्षेप! - पूर्वसंज्ञानात्मक अपसामान्य सत्य-जीवन के अनुभवों का एक आख्यान! (Hindi) is a translation of Book. No. 4 Above.
6. Cosmic Closed Eye Visualization - A new perspective to overriding perception!
7. Books and Scriptures That Changed My Life - The Inspiration that led me to become an Author.
8. Our Prayer to the Universe - An Entreaty.
9. Proud of My Grey's - The Journey of a Heart in search of a Soul!
10. Untold - Memoirs of a different Kind which are my Personal Memoirs.(English)
11.अनकहा - एक मुख़्तलिफ़ किस्म का संस्मरण - this is again my translation of my Memoirs Book. No 10.


My dream is to keep writing quality content books on topics that touch the soul and are the need of the hour issues in life.

You can follow me on the following links:

Amazon Author Profile:

My Author Blog:

Twitter Handle:



YouTube Channel:

Facebook Page:




1. Reader Reviews of Page-Turners - An Introduction. Check out the complete article on my Blog; link given below.

2. My Readers Review of This book "Paranormal Experiences - Beyond the Realms of Reason" - That book is in every sense a "Page-Turner" a definite must read. Do check out my post, comment and share to likeminded friends and family.

3. My Readers Review of this "Must Read" anthology of "The Notions of Living: STORIES. By Anu Lal".

I hope you find this information in order and would definitely look forward to connecting with you. You may revert to this same email sachinkatewordsmith@gmail.com or contact me on +91 9579783990 (WhatsApp as well) for any further information. 

Thank you!

Sunday, 25 February 2024

The Notions of Living: STORIES - Readers Review of this "Must Read" anthology!

The Notions of Living: STORIES

Readers Review of this "Must Read" anthology!

The Notions of Living: STORIES.

The Notions of Living: STORIES, definitely a book to be tagged as “A Must Read”, this is an Exceptional free flowing anthology in which the author Mr. Anu Lal; explores the many "notions of living". These 11 stories in the anthology come from some of the best writers in India including himself. Each writer has expressed the nuances of life, in every mood and experience in life.

I had always been in awe of this illustrious author and this Reader’s Review of his Book “The Notions of Living: Stories” is a huge privilege and honor, so to say fulfilling of my dream for which I thank him for. Looking forward to reading more of his amazing books and sharing my humble reviews.

The stories compiled include a simple descriptive narrative of her new home, a partly erotic and flirtatious thoughts of another who loves herself, a woman yearning for the return of her husband from work, or as simple as the old man who at first hates dogs and then is on the verge of falling in love with them, each of the stories takes you through the various stages in life, which we often would hold back from expressing or sharing. Each story connects with some part of our common man’s life, so they are even more endearing to our psyche.

I would definitely not like to delve deeper in describing more about the book for fear of taking away your interest for reading the book. It is important to note the purity and honesty with which the writers have expressed their own stories; and the manner in which Mr. Anu Lal has presented them to the reader in this anthology. I will leave it to you to experience for yourself after reading the book.

Having myself written and published, anthologies of exemplars of eminence, and their books that changed my life, this was going to be an interesting read to explore a different sub-categories of anthologies.

This is my second Readers Review after giving a re-start to my passion of Reviewing, following my first one being “Paranormal Experiences - Beyond the Realms of Reason - Readers Review of a Page-Turner.” Looking forward to many more readings and readers reviews from this author itself, which you yourselves will find out when you read his profile below. Also included will be many more to come, about some of the best authors I am reviewing.

At the outset, I hope I have done justice to this illustrious author Mr. Anu Lal Sir, in my reader’s review of his book, and look forward to your frank feedback, through your comments on the blog.

Minutiae about Anthologies:

Although the discerned reader or authors themselves are aware of it I would; for the benefit of the layman / peruser of new books and genres, intentionally like to share this oft asked query?

What is the genre anthology?

In very simple terms in book publishing, an anthology is a collection of literary works chosen by the compiler; it may be a collection of plays, poems, short stories, songs, or related fiction/non-fiction excerpts by different authors.

An anthology can also be a collection of literary pieces by various different authors. It can sometimes refer to the collected output of a single author (for instance, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare), but it generally refers to a compilation presenting many different writers.

I have always been an avid reader of such Genres of books, and this gave me one more insight into the sub-category of anthologies of short stories compiled by other distinguished authors.

Happy to say that my experience of reading this category of anthologies, was so fruitful and fulfilling. There have been many generic reviews, but this will be the first Readers Review of this distinguished Author Anu Lal as I am so eager and looking forward to read his other anthologies that he compiled include Better Than All Happy Ever Afters: An Anthology of Valentine's Day Wishes, and The Notions of Healing : STORIES. I am sure they will be super engrossing too.

About this Illustrious Author:

Check out his full Profile at: Mr. Anu Lal

Mr. Anu Lal as an Author: is an Indian English author of over twelve books across genres such as the novel, short fiction, novella, novelette, and nonfiction. An award-winning poet, his poems and short stories are also published internationally. He has been featured in Outlook, Malayalam Literary Survey by Kerala Sahitya Academy, TMYS Review September 2021, LOL- Love of Literature 2021, etc. He published his first book in 2012, titled Wall of Colors and Other Stories. His first published novel is titled The Mythology of Love, written under the pen name Marian Grace.

His nonfiction book titled Life after the Floods, published by Kalamos Literary Services in 2019 has garnered both popular and critical acclaim for writing on disaster management. His short story collections include “Prabuddha: The Clear-Sighted”, “You Should Know How I Feel”, and “Stories We Live”. The anthologies that he compiled include “Better than All Happy Ever Afters”, “The Notions of Living”, and “The Notions of Healing”. In 2018, he published the novella titled “As I Lay Waiting”, which deals with supernatural horror and childhood cruelty.

He wrote the novelette, “Seeking Saraswathi” in 2018, published by Juggernaut Books as an eBook, and in 2019 repeated his success with two other novelettes, “Save the Teacher” and “Save the Girl”, part of an ongoing series broadly titled “Southern Chronicles,” published by Kalamos in the form of Kindle eBooks.

Professional Profile of Mr. Anu Lal:
He has a Master’s degree in English literature from Kannur University. He is a UGC NET qualified educator with CTE from IGNOU and has ten years of teaching experience with UG and PG students. A Catholic by faith, he lives in Kannur, Kerala with his family.

Book and Publisher Details for this Book: The Notions of Living: STORIES:

Author: Mr. Anu Lal
Genre: Anthologies / Stories
My Rating: ✩✩✩✩✩ 
Content Rating: 18+
Binding: Kindle as well as Paperback Versions.

I am sharing details separately for Kindle and Paperback versions:
Pages: 67 Pages
Date Published: 25 July 2020
Published by: BW BOOKS (25 July 2020)
Country of Origin: ‎ India

Pages: 106 Pages.
ISBN-10: ‎ 1645874710
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1645874713
Published on: 31 August 2019
Publisher and Packer: ‎Notion Press; 1st edition (31 August 2019); Notion Press Media Pvt Ltd. No, 50, Chettiyar Agaram Main Road, Vanagaram. Chennai – 600095.

Thanks for reading my Reader Review!

I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that I can turn you on to a great book or a fantastic author through my reviews and posts.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, thoughts, or improvements on how I can better make my blog or reviews work for all my readers. If you have any recommendations I’ll be sure to check them out. Do write to me through comments on my Blog or at sachinkatewordsmith@gmail.com with your feedback, comment on the post, like, and share to likeminded friends and family.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Paranormal Experiences - Beyond the Realms of Reason - Readers Review of a Page-Turner.

Paranormal Experiences - Beyond the Realms of Reason 

Readers Review of a "Page-Turner".

I have always been an avid reader of such Genres of books, as I myself am deeply clairvoyant, and carry along a strong sense of Extra Sensory Perception that has stood me in good stead. This book is in every sense a "Page-Turner".

Proud to present my first Official Readers Review of a Book on my Blog and shared on all my Social Media Platforms. There have been many generic reviews, but this will be the first Readers Review after giving a re-start to my passion of Reviewing.

Author: Dr. Mehra Shrikhande

Genre: Paranormal Experiences / Occult and Paranomal Experiences.

My Rating: ✩✩✩✩✩    

Content Rating: 18+

Pages: 225 Pages

Binding: Paperback Version.

Date Published: June 21, 2022

Published by: Unicorn Books Pvt Ltd (1 January 2009)

Country of Origin: ‎ India

ISBN-10: ‎ 817806166X

ISBN-13 ‏: ‎ 978-8178061665

What better book to select than - "Paranormal Experiences - Beyond the Realms of Reason" by Dr. Mehra Shrikhande, a practicing ophthalmologist,  based in my own city of Pune.

Before I proceed with my readers review I would like to share with you more about Dr. Mehra Shrikhande.

About the Author

Dr. Mehra Shrikhande, a practicing ophthalmologist, is based in the city of Pune. She passed M.B.B.S. in 1981 and MS in 1985 from a prestigious medical college in Mumbai. She is married to an ophthalmologist and they enjoy a happy family life with their two children. From a very early age Dr. Shrikhande was intrigued by the unexplained occurrences that she had read about from time to time. She began to grope for answers almost from childhood. This book is the result of more than 21 years of research she undertook despite the demands made on her time by her hectic profession. In her quest for answers to questions she had constantly asked herself, Dr. Shrikhande sought and interviewed several people who could provide some understanding of these mysteries.


Articulate, Immaculate, Engrossing and Fascinating!

Without a doubt one of the Best Books I have had the privilege to read on this subject.

Having got to read this Author Autographed copy of the book from one of my Friends who is also a Doctor himself and a close colleague / friend of the author herself, it was a privilege for me to read it. As an author myself who has written books on the similar subjects of Clairvoyance and paranormal my own true life experience in this field, I could instantly relate to this book. 

Being a Doctor herself, what caught my attention was the structure of the book, with reference to the subject of Paranormal Experiences. She sets out to list out each chapter with such precision and order, supported by relevant Medical Facts, Theories and references of experiences of others that authenticate each factor of the subject with accuracy thereby making each chapter so easy to understand and receive total acceptance.

With due respect, there will be skeptics who without understanding the subject or even having had any such personal experiences; pass off this book as just a “Good Book”, “A great Read”, or some even calling it a “Thesis”. But trust me this is one Book that I can genuinely call a "Page-Turner".

But had it not been for her profession as a Doctor herself, she would not have been able to present this topic in the way she only has done. What caught my attention and made me grip the book to be read from start to finish was the first paragraph of her "Preface". Simple, Honest, Precise and instantly connecting with me personally as an Author and reviving fond memories of my own childhood and journey as an author. 

My review would not be complete without quoting her lines...albiet with full attribution and credits to this quote.....which will make you realize what the book is and why I tag it as a  true "Page-Turner"

"This has been a difficult book to write. By training and temperament, I am a doctor - a practsing opthalmic surgeon - brought up with the exactitude of things we encounter and anticipate in laboratories. Certaing things beyond the realms of reason have, however, fascinated me from girhood. That I am an Indian, probably entrenched in centuries old beliefs like karma and reincarnation, is no answer to this quest of mine. They are clearly independent of my religious beliefs and sprititual background"

Those lines immediately connected with me in a way very few books have (Not the least to mention others have, indeed in a different way). The only thing that did not match with me was that I was not a Doctor (though I had aspired to be one, but could not due to inevitable circumstances), but apart from that; every word there was having a deep connect.

Let it me known that I was not contacted, asked, or required to leave a review. I have voluntarily read this book, and this is my honest review. But what transpired after reading it left me in awe.

The Meticulous way in which she deals with at lenght and writes about core subjects like Physics and Metaphysics, and some inexplicable phenomena like The Astral Plane, Out-Of-Body Experiences, Near - Death experiences, Reincarnation, Past life recall, and Extra Sensory Perception besides many more connected with Paranormal Experiences leaves you spellbound.

I will not intentionally go into the detail or the book for fear of taking away the suspense and thrill of reading this book, but can assure you that this book is one heck of a gripper.

As the description on the Book so rightly mentions that "True, mankind cannot be privvy to the riddles which leave so many questions unanswered, which in fact leads the subject of the book, it's awe and drawing power to make the reader try and find those answers"

I leave it to you to read and try to find those answers yourself and am sure that you will find yourself in a new realm of thoughts and possibilities that are constantly happening around you, and for want of knowledge or sometimes even superstitious beliefs and thoughts created by others who may be ignorant to the these phenomena tag them as occult happenings. Let us allow better sense to prevail and empower ourselves with the true facts behind each of these phenomena each of which has an authentic science behind them.

Dr. Mehra Shriknande also has one more book - "अतींद्रिय अनुभव : असणे नसणेच्या पलीकडे .. एक मागोवा, एक शोध, एक अभ्यास आणि चिंतन" which I am already reading after my tryst with this book and will be shortly presenting you with the Readers review to that book as well. This book is written by Dr. Mehra Shrikhande and translated by Mr. Niranjan Joshi and published by Rucha Prakashan. Dr. Mehra Shrikhande is a para phycologist. This book is on paranormal things around us.

Thanks for reading my Reader Review!  I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that I can turn you on to a great book or a fantastic author through my reviews and posts.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, thoughts, or improvements on how I can better make my blog or reviews work for all my readers.  If you have any recommendations I’ll be sure to check them out. Do write to me at sachinkatewordsmith@gmail.com with your feedback, comment on the post, like, and share to likeminded friends and family.

Thank you!