Sunday 16 October 2022

Books Written by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam

Books Written by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam

I had recently been researching on some of the amazing Authors, Writers who had made an indelible mark on the Literary world. Their Books, Works, Articles, Posts and writing in any form were always a source of inspiration for me. However much we read it is never enough and my own tryst with writing and being an Author was very fulfilling but I always felt a void. 

I was specifically reading and researching about  the Biography of Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam, not only as a Scientist, Former President, and an Author. Specifically what impressed me and got me started was his quote - "If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher." - Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam.

I was spell bound by the vast source of information that was available about him and during one of my readings found this source of information that opened all avenues for my research. It was as if I had found a Library for me to read more, but never enough about him.

It's my privilege to share this informative article / post about our 11th President Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam (25 July 2002 – 25 July 2007).

I humbly submit that this is article or the content is not written by me and and all due credits go to the article published in one of the Forums which I am in-Toto sharing below. I am sharing excerpts of the article that was published in one of the leading journals the India Travel Forum purely for the content that I would like people to know about this famous personality, whom all of us respect. 

As is mentioned in the post there....

"A scientist, a president, a family man, these are just a few descriptions for Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam. He is mostly well-known for his contributions to the missile and nuclear developments of the country. As a child, he was opened to the struggles of life at an early age. While their family was well-off, they lost their family business due to modernity and hence, APJ Adbul Kalam has had to help with the family expenses at his young age. Still, he was able to succeed and even joined the Defense Research and Development Organization as one of the scientific assistants of the department. By 2002, he became the 11th President of India. Thereafter the presidency, he continued to live a very simple life, inspiring youths and other individuals to live their lives to their full potential.

Books Written by Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam

During his lifetime, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam had also written many books. The topics range from autobiographies, to science, to politics, there's a wide variety in the genre of books he had authored. The table below highlights all the books written by the former president, the dates they were published, their genre, the language they were written in and whether they were co-authored or not.

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam has influenced and motivated many individuals to fulfill their dreams, no matter what their status in life is. His struggles are that of the typical Indian and he has emerged successful, which only makes his life more inspirational. His dream for India, to make the country a force to be reckoned with especially in terms of economic powers, is something that most citizens also dream of. All these books showcase the ideals of the former president and would also help you appreciate and love your country more.

In total, APJ Abdul Kalam had written 59 books in his lifetime. The books above are arranged accordingly, from the ones that were published the earliest and the ones published the latest, even after the death of the former president. The first book he wrote was the India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium. He had written this book alongside Yagnaswami Sundara Rajan. This book was written even before APJ Abdul Kalam became president and highlights what the country can do, as a whole, to become one of the greatest powers by the year 2020.

Genres range very much, from autobiographies, even to children's books, sociology, inspirational and many more. The former president also wrote poetries during his lifetime with books such as Inklings and Songs of Life highlighting his works. Most of his books were written in English and have been translated into various languages. Some though, were written in Indian languages such as the Enathu Vaanin Gnana Sudargal, a collection of essays written in Tamil, and Agnipankh, a literary book written in Marathi.

This list does not include some books to which the former president had written introductions or forewords for. Such books like The Politickle Pickle: Cartoons & Caricatures and The Fresh Brew, do not mainly include APJ Abdul Kalam as their author but he has written introductions and forewords for them."

As the list itself is too large I will give full credit to that article and share the link here for you to read it directly from the site itself. 

Books Written by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam 

I am sure that readers will love this big list of his books which will help you in reading more about all his publications. For me for sure it is a Huge source of inspiration and motivation, and I leave it for you all to enjoy the list, and the books listed therein.




Tuesday 11 October 2022

Experiencing my Author Experience

Experiencing my Author Experience

Hello Friends. I was lying down on my recliner chair in my balcony, reminiscing on my short journey as an Author over the last year and now. "All I can say is my sole intention was and still is not to leave behind only a Book to read, but leave behind a Legacy!"

Watch My Video Here!


It was a roller coaster ride down memory lane. More so that I had all these and a few more books all lined up for being launched, well in advance, but somehow was not able to get them published due to inevitable reasons. Here is my short journey.

I'm not here to spell out what experiences each of the various authors may be feeling, but for sure I'm nervous as hell to express mine.

But here is the list of books I have now published as on date.

Now on the shelves for you to read, so grab a copy before they are gone...

The Phoenix Rising - An Inspiration for Introspective Re-Awakening. – Published on 5 January 2023.

   Personalities and Books that change your life! - An anthology of exemplars of eminence, and their books!  Published on 27 January 2023.

.  Our Prayer to the Universe – an entreaty! – Published on 9 February 2023.

  Clairvoyance or Divine Intervention! - A narrative of Precognitive Paranormal True-Life experiences! Published on 13 February 2023.

 Cosmic Closed Eye Visualization - A new perspective to overriding perception! Published on 13 February 2023.

  Untold – Memoirs of a different kind! My Memoirs have been Edited and  relaunched. It was published on 14 February 2023.

Available on Sachin Kate’s Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher’s Dashboard -

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To be utterly frank I was all authors may have gone through went through my writers block. When I confronted my peers, friends and other authors, personally and through their experiences I did get a series of list of tips on how to become a writer and author. It became all the more frightening for me to be honest! Read everything, research, start writing, take a writing course, make a plot, keep writing, rewrite, rinse and repeat......OMG... repeat until you are perfect! 

Well well, for a novice Blogger like me it was a like an left upper cut coming from Mike Tyson. But I had planned to do it all, whatever it took. So while I was making down the notes on the topic I was so attached to, and keeping it ready for the book/books, I researched on all these aspects. 

I leafed through all the articles that mentioned that there are about 18 most common types of writers, how to recognize them, and what they do!

I was no different from other Authors who may have gone through the same experience. It’s easy for writers to fall prey to the various traps in writing. You may have a difficult time with this if you believe that everything must be perfect before you send out your first work. You may experience writer’s block, fear that all your hard work won’t turn out well enough and needs more revisions, or struggle with figuring out where one idea starts and another end. So it was natural for me to falter along the way, but I learned from my mistakes. It was my dream to publish my Book!

But at the back of my mind I used to always think whether writing what I wanted to express was in fact the right idea? I then got to understand that there are many reasons why writing is a good idea. Some may write to release their thoughts and ideas, some may use it as an effective source of grounding and stress release, and others might want to speak to an audience. All these different types of writers have one thing in common: "they all enjoy the process of writing despite the difficulties that come with it."

Yes that is where I aligned with the most. I wrote because I enjoyed putting down my thought on paper and moreover sharing them with others through my Blog Posts. But the dream of having a Book of my own published was always at the back of my mind. I will be honest in saying that my other intention was also to try and write a Bestseller. The monetary part was always the icing on the cake. But more than the earning it was the satisfaction of reaching out to a larger audience world over through my books.

As we all may be knowing; writers are not all the same. Some may be more introspective, and some may be more analytical, but they are all about words. There is a difference between nonfiction and fiction writers because of their different purposes. Nonfiction is more about facts, while fiction is more about imagination. Writers come in different colors and shapes, but they are all about words.

For me I would not like to typeset my type of writing but I would well put it as "Impulsive Writing". My content was more of true life experiences, social apathy, and a string of subjects that are still nagging my mind. I was pouring my heart out on paper.

I therefore then segregated my content into separate genres, so that it would not get mixed. Comments, suggestions, mentoring, guidance and inputs from friends, family, other authors and inputs I got through various webinars, and reading articles, slowly structured my writing. The most difficult process for me I realized was content management. I realized that my mind was going way too faster than my pen. That started creating an overlap so to say of ideas and events. 

It was then that I came across a wonderful article which pin pointed what I was experiencing. It was as if someone had read my mind. The article wrote about Content Management Systems. The article clearly mentioned as they said "It is precisely the perception of what CMS is and what it's capable of; that destroys the Author experience". The interesting concept was and still is something to read about and understand in its entirety. The article further went on to elaborate on the fact that it is not only about the development and implementation of CMS for any author or form of writing. It was rather about creating a CMSMS as they call it; meaning (Content Management System Management System). Almost a system in a system. Well this article would be too exhaustive to narrate here, but suffice to say that it did open my mind. 

As I mentioned above, I realized for sure that I was an overtly impulsive writer. For those who know me; for over four decades I have been reading, trying to understand, absorbing and soaking in every possible subject I could lay my hands on. I never shunned from delving in to the depth of any subject that caught my liking, and researching on it until I was satisfied, I had gathered enough knowledge to satisfy my yearning to learn about it. 

My friends, family, even my mentors always were in awe of this crazy skill if I may call it of trying to latch on to any subject and making it my own. Be it a simple social or true life experience, to a study of a process, or a quality process, bench-marking, or methodologies that improved my knowledge and thereby my working, I never held back in learning it. That yearning has helped me all through my life both in social experiences as well as my technical career and work as a Business Consultant. 

But the key factor was applying all this to my writing as an Author of a Book. The subjects I had chosen to start with were more of true life experiences, consciousness, re-awakening, self-help, healing, and closer to some paranormal experiences in life. More of them which I kept aside for writing later are highly technical if I may say so and poles apart from the experiences that I was going to narrate at present in my first two books and my dream book which was my Memoirs. 

It took me a while to gather my senses, and re-align my writing routine and saving my content into the relevant genres of the book they would fall into. It was an enjoyable but tiring experience for me, but I cherish every moment of it. There is so much more to learn as I keep writing further to try and finish maybe two or three more books; contents of which are already on the run. For those who have read the books and related with the contents, the first two were more of true experiences and traits that make up a persons life more meaningful and fulfilling to live. 

"Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind, my memoirs are truly memoirs of a different kind and I sincerely hope readers will relate with what I want to convey to them. 

One more book that I will be launching shortly maybe in a different format, is more on a technical lines related to a study of a process, or a quality process, bench-marking, or methodologies, but yet how these highly technical and business related subjects; can be linked to our daily life. It is another subject that I hold dear to my heart so do keep a watch for more on this. 

The next one coming up after that or maybe together is a book that expresses a very serious concern. An incremental degradation of the overall world order has crept in at an alarming state. A perceptive perspective, a vision for the future is required. What the whole world community needs is a new world reawakening in all respects. Total indifference towards core cultural, ethical, moral, family and societal values is taking the new generation and this whole world to the brink of disaster.

What we all need is a shakeup of our conscience. The earlier the better; because time is one entity that we cannot stop nor buy with all the wealth or power in this world and the Universe is burdened with an indifferent society that seems to just not listen. Can we make a turnaround? Oh yes, let’s get together and make this world a better place to live in. We have no other option!

These are all subjects that have not only been close to my heart, but have been kept painfully protected, to allow me to substantiate them with true life facts and events. The time has now come to put them on paper. In the book, I talk about the need for a Fourth Dimension. Will keep that a secret until you read it, as to what I mean by "Fourth Dimension". 

All that I wanted you readers to experience is my Author experience in a very short period of almost one year. It is literally like a time-bomb that is ticking in my mind. What is ready to pour out like the lava from a volcano, are the pent up emotions, the experiences that hurt your mind, yet you can do nothing about it. The total apathy at what is going around us, with an indifference that makes your mind and body shudder. 

This is what I would call a Trailer or Sneak Peek into what is due to come soon. The mind is tired but the heart does not rest. The fingers pain, but the pen is flowing to write every word of thoughts that keep me constantly on the edge. 

There is so much to write, so less time to do it and furthermore a nagging thought that says can you change the world around you? I will do my part to the best of my efforts, whether it will impact the reader; time will tell. As time passes and my loved readers read my works I want them to relate to every word in my book and see how it meant to make a change in making this world a better place to live in. As I said in the very first paragraph, I don't want to leave behind only a Book, I want to leave a Legacy!

I will conclude by sharing this amazing quote by Anne Frank - " I can shake off everything as I write. My sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn".

Friday 7 October 2022

My Memoirs - "Untold" Memoirs of a Different Kind Relaunched!

 My Memoirs - "Untold" Memoirs of a Different Kind Relaunched.



Watch the Video Here


About - "Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind 

"Untold" - Memoirs of a Different Kind is my sincere effort to weave life's intricate and emotional incidents, onto the canvas of human imagination. I am trying to narrate how those experiences unfolded and impacted my life, character, and demeanor. I could sum up my memoirs with this excellent Quote - “When you put down the good things you ought to have done and leave out the bad ones you did do well, that's Memoirs.“ – Will Rogers. 

I am an Author, Writer, Blogger, and Wordsmith, weaving life's experiences into the fabric of daily life. This is my humble attempt to lay before you the most memorable incidents. I hope you will relate to them as much as I did.






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